An Online Course for Nurturing Your Nervous System

So…what is Homecoming?!

Homecoming is a two-part, online course designed to help you develop pathways out of protection and into connection.

By “connection,” I mean the state of feeling safely engaged with your life. And by “protection,” I’m referring to survival responses like fight-or-flight, freeze, and collapse.

Sometimes, we get “stuck” in protection mode—in states of stress, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and general dysregulation. “Trauma” itself might be defined as a state of being stuck in protection mode.

In Homecoming, I use the polyvagal model to help you find your way out of these protection states. I guide you in nurturing your nervous system, so that you feel more resourced, regulated, and resilient. I help your nervous system “remember” what it’s like to feel safely connected.

What are the two parts of the course?

Part 1 of the course lays out the “map” of the nervous system. You’ll learn all about your “autonomic modes” of connection and protection. Scroll down to watch the introductory video to Part 1.

In Part 2, I lead you in a variety of transformative exercises and guided meditations to help you “reshape” your nervous system. At the end of Part 2, I provide you with a series of steps to take when you find yourself stuck in protection mode. Scroll down to view the intro video to Part 2.

Who’s the course for?

Homecoming is geared toward anyone desiring the tools to access greater ease and contentment. You don’t need to have any previous experience with polyvagal theory or with mindfulness.

Where do the ideas in the course come from?

My approach is inspired by the teachings of Deb Dana, as well as other mental-health teachers and practitioners, including Stephen Porges, Peter Levine, and Bessel van der Kolk; by my Tao of Trauma training with Alaine Duncan; and by my ongoing work with my clients…as well as my ongoing exploration of my own nervous system!

What’s the cost?

$75 for Part 1 (3 hours of video content). $125 for Part 2 (4.5 hours of video content). Scroll down to learn more about each part!

Homecoming 1:
Connection & Protection

In this first part of Homecoming, you’ll learn all about the “connection” and “protection” aspects of your autonomic nervous system.

Playlist of Videos:
Welcome! (3 min; shown above)

Section 1: Introduction
• Connection & Protection (27 min)

Section 2: Connection
• Connection (14 min)
• Connection Landmarks (11 min)
• The Window of Tolerance (4 min)

Section 3: Protection
• Protection (5 min)
• Hyper-Arousal (12 min)
• Hypo-Arousal (15 min)
• Freeze (12 min)
• Recap…Plus 2 Additional Survival States (8 min)

Section 4: Trauma
• Trauma (14 min)

Section 5: Supplemental Lessons
• Your Inner Watchtower (An exploration of “neuroception,” our capacity to assess safety and danger; 37 min)
• Resilience (12 min)

• Parting Words (3 min)

Homecoming 2:
Pathways to Connection

In this second part of Homecoming, you’ll get to play in your autonomic sandbox! I’ll lead you in a variety of transformative exercises that promote regulation and resilience in your nervous system.

Playlist of Videos:
• Welcome! (9 min; shown above)

Section 1: Anchoring in Safe Connection
• Anchoring in Safe Connection (2 min)
• Filling Your Coffers (In this video, you’ll start to build a storehouse of connection-mode resources from your everyday life; 21 min)
• Held by the Earth (A guided meditation; 15 min)
• Unwinding (Practicing letting the nervous system release tension; 14 min)
Unwinding: A Personal Reflection (An essay on my time living in a Buddhist monastery; to read it, click on this link and create an account)
• Mindfulness of the Breath (Exploring the breath as a connection-mode resource; 26 min)
• Appreciating Your Parts (An introduction to “parts work”; 6 min)
• Smile of the Heart (A guided meditation; 16 min)
• Where in the Body? (Exploring the body regions that are activated by your autonomic states; 27 min)

Section 2: Exploring Your Autonomic Landscapes
• Exploring Your Autonomic Landscapes (16 min)
• Exploring Your Autonomic Landscapes Through the Body (40 min)
• Exploring Your Autonomic Landscapes Through Language (21 min)
• Exploring Your Autonomic Landscapes Through Artwork (20 min)

Section 3: Three Steps to Connection
• Step 1: Stop & Drop (14 min)
• Step 2: Allow…Wow! (13 min)
• Step 3: Measure & Treasure (22 min)

• Parting Words (2 min)